1. The name of the Society shall be Neurotrauma Society of India (NTSI)
2. The aims and objectives of the society shall be
2.1 To maintain the highest standard in the ethics and practice in all the fields of Neurotrauma
2.2 To maintain this high standard, every endeavor shall be made to give adequate training to those who are properly qualified
2.3 To promote and encourage research in all fields of Neurotrauma
2.4 To organize Workshops, Annual Conference etc. for updating knowledge, exchange of views and share experiences among the members
2.5 To receive and accept donations, gifts, grants or contributions in kind and cash from any person or persons, association, societies,
companies, authority or Government for the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Society
3. Membership
3.1 In pursuit of these objectives, there shall be Honorary Members, Full Members and Associate Members and the Society shall undertake
appropriate activities
4. Full Membership
4.1 Admission shall be restricted to those with major interest in Neurotrauma, which will include Neurosurgeon, Orthopedics, maxillofacial,
ENT surgeons others.
4.2 Application for “Full Membership” shall be proposed and seconded by full members of good standing and the Executive committee shall be
the authority to admit them.
4.3 The privileges of full member would be voting and contesting for posts of office bearers as per rules.
5. Associate Membership
5.1 Associate Membership shall be open to those who have interest in Neurotrauma.
5.2 Associate Members shall be proposed and seconded by full members of good standing. The Secretary,
Neurotrauma Society of India (NTSI) shall have the authority to admit Associate Members.
5.3 Associate members can take part in all the activities of the Society by presentation of papers at scientific meetings,
participation in discussions etc. and shall have all the privileges of membership, except that they
shall not have the right to vote or be office bearers of the Society.
6. Honorary Members
6.1 Honorary Membership shall be restricted to senior distinguished persons who have contributed to management
of Neurotrauma with an international reputation.
6.2 An Honorary Member shall be proposed and seconded by full members of good standing only.
The Executive Committee will be the admitting authority to this category of membership.
The total number of Honorary Members at any given time will be limited to not more than 5% of
the total full membership of the Society.
6.3 Honorary Members shall have all the privileges of membership, except those of voting and serving as office bearers.
They shall be exempted from payment of any subscription.
7. Membership Dues
7.1 The executive committee shall propose all dues for different categories of members.
These decisions will be implemented with the concurrence of the general body.
Membership shall be counted from 1st January to 31st December of a calendar year for purposes of annual subscriptions.
7.2 Members who have not paid their subscription by 31st December shall be sent
a registered acknowledgement due notice by the Treasurer of the Society giving them till 31st march
to clear all outstanding dues. Non- payment of dues by 31st March would result in removal of the member’s name from the rolls.
7.3 Only Members, who have paid their dues by 31st March, would be eligible to vote in that calendar year.
7.4 Members whose names have been erased from the rolls of the society may be re-admitted only after
receiving the prescribed application form and admission fee.
8. Management
8.1 The affairs of the Society shall be managed by the Executive Committee (E.C.).
8.2 The executive committee shall consist of:
1. President 1
2. President Elect 1
3. Secretary 1
4. Treasurer 1
5. Four elected members 4
6. Immediate Past President 1
7. Immediate Past Secretary 1
8.3 The President, President-elect, Secretary Treasurer shall be “Officers” of the Society.
8.4 The term of office for various executive members shall be as under (a year for the purpose of this proviso shall be counted from one annual
general body meeting to the other)
i.President and President elect One Year
ii.Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Committee MembersThree Years
iii.Immediate Past PresidentTwo Years
8.5 Limitation
1. The President President elect shall not contest for any position in the Executive Committee subsequently.
2. Members of the executive committee including office bearers of the Society would hold office
for only one term in their respective offices.
9. Elections to the Executive Committee (EC)
9.1 Eligibility
1. Only life members can contest for any post.
2. For the post of Secretary, Treasurer a contestant should have been a full member of the society for a continuous period or 3 years.
3. For the post of President elect a contestant should have been a full member for a continuous period of 10 years
and must have attended at least 5 conferences.
9.2.1 No members of E.C. can take charge of office of any other post of the Society without completing the term of existing post.
9.2.2. No member is eligible to contest for more than one post in the same election.
9.2.3 The President elect shall automatically become President in the following year. There shall be no election for the post of President.
9.2.4 In the event of resignation, demise or insanity of an officer of the Society, the E.C. is empowered to nominate one of
its existing members to the post vacated, till the following election.
9.2.5 Elections shall be held by postal ballot, prior to the annual conference.
9.2.6 The executive committee shall have the right to change the logistics of the election process in the face of
exigencies or introduce by laws for other Modes of voting like electronic voting as when required.
10. Disciplinary Committee
10.1 There shall be a disciplinary committee consisting of President, President elect and the immediate past President.
This will be an empowered committee.
10.2 This committee shall go into complaints of misconduct against any member or associate member and take remedial action
including removal of an errant member from membership of the society.
11. Meetings
11.1 Executive Committee
i. The EC would have overall charge of all functions of the society including financial, administration etc.
They can employ persons for efficient running of the Society.
It can authorize any member to open bank accounts to be operated jointly by at least
one more full member with permission of EC/President. All accounts must be submitted by the Treasurer after auditing.
ii. There shall be two executive committee meetings chaired by the President NTSI at the venue of the conference
one before and one after the Annual General Body Meeting. There should preferably be
one executive committee meeting in the middle of the year to transact business of the Society.
iii. One third (1/3) members shall form the quorum for the executive committee meeting.
iv.Ther e can be consultations and decision by circulation within the executive committee members for urgent matters
if the President and Secretary consider it necessary and proper.
v. It is obligatory for the executive committee members to attend meetings. Any executive committee members meeting during the entire year, without valid reason prior
permission of EC shall be removed from the executive committee.
vi. In the absence of President the President, the President elect would preside over the EC.. without prior information will be dismissed from EC membership.
i.There shall be at least one General Body Meeting of the Society chaired by the President.
ii. It shall consist of a a) Scientific Meeting b) Business and Administrative Meeting.
iii. The Scientific Sessions would be open to all categories of members of the Society, and others,
including practitioners and students of medical and allied sciences on payment of appropriate delegate fees.
Besides the presentation of papers, the Society shall try to organize special
lectures/seminars/workshops and receive and implement suggestions in this regard from the General Body.
iv. The business and administrative meetings of the Society shall consist of
Annual General Body Meeting at which all the member are expected to be present. Forty percent (40%) members
shall form the quorum for the Annual General Body Meeting. If desired number of the members do not assemble the meeting
would be adjourned reconvened after 30 minutes
for which no quorum will be necessary.
v. If ¼ of members present eligible to vote want a voting on any issue during GBM it would be done.
vi. No new issue except those already circulated agenda can be discussed in GBM without giving prior notice of at least 3 weeks.
The person proposing the discussion should be personally present in the GBM for the discussion.
vii. All amendments to the Constitution and byelaws shall be submitted to the Secretary
at least 4 months before the General Body meeting, and the Secretary shall forward a copy of the same to every member at least
2 months before the meeting. Such proposals shall be accepted
if 2/5 th of the members present vote opinion on proposals. The Secretary shall then present the opinion on proposals
communicated to him in writing by members in absentia. A final count shall be made of the votes and
proposals shall be accepted only if 2/3rdof those who have voted (either in person or in absentia) are in favour of such amendment.
Those who have not been present in person and
who have also not communicated their opinion on the proposals to Secretary before the meeting shall be taken to
abide by the majority decision as arrived at above.
In the event of a substantial modification being proposed to amendments discussed at the General Body Meeting,
this will be considered an amendment per
se the member and treated accordingly.
viii.Prizes for award winners shall be presented at the GBM.
12. The society will encourage periodic meetings of local resident members/associate members of NTSI in various cities of India to promote the objectives of the society.
13. Secretary
13.1 The Secretary would be overall in charge of administration. He will be responsible for publishing newsletter,
organize EC GBM, and supervise annual conferences.
He will maintain close liaison with the officers of the Society in discharging his duties.
Secretary should ensure maintenance of Income tax exemption and sending all required documents to appropriate authority.
He will published minutes of E.C. in the newsletters only after obtaining approval of all members present.
He shall send all alterations in constitution Byelaws rules of NTSI certified by at least 3 members of EC to appropriate authority
13.2 The Secretary, Neurotrauma society of India shall be responsible for acting legally, for and on behalf of the Society.
14. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall operate funds of the Society. He will be responsible for:
i. Investments disbursements as per decisions of EC
ii. Send reminder of dues to defaulting members/associate members
iii. Send list of defaulting members to Secretary NTSI
iv. Maintain account books
v. Ensure that all bank account of NSTI are operated jointly with at least 2 members
of NTSI for withdrawals from bank.
vi. Audit of accounts.
15. Journal
Effort will be made to publish an official Journal of NTSI. The editor will be elected among the full member
of the society will be ex officio member of the EC.
16. NTSI shall be affiliated to appropriate international bodies decided by EC. Affiliation fees will be paid by the funds of the society by the treasurer of NTSI.
17. 60% of the members are required to propose dissolution of the society. Disposal settlement of claims and liabilities would be effected by the executive committee as per laid down laws for such purpose.
1. The secretary shall open a separate bank account to be opened jointly by the
secretary and another member of the Neurotrauma Society of India
to be nominated by the EC/President NTSI.
2. Financial advances may be given for conduct of business of the society to any officer/member
of NTSI with the approval of the Executive Committee.
The accounts will be submitted to the Treasurer NTSI for final auditing.
3. A central office will be established as when possible.
For this purpose a building fund would be established.
4. Selecting Papers for the Annual Conference
4(i). The paper submitted will be sent by secretary NTSI to the concerned members of
executive committee of that specialty for their assessment. The scientific
programme of annual meeting will be finalized by 3 members appointed of E.C. chaired by Secretary NTSI.
4(ii). The annual conference programme will be finalized by the secretary NTSI
in consultation with the organizing secretary of the annual conference.
They would appoint the chairpersons for the various sessions.
4(iii). The awards papers and poster would be judged by a committee nominated by EC
5. Membership
5.1 All proposals for honorary membership must be sent to the secretary at least 2 months prior
to annual GBM to enable the executive committee to consider them.
The secretary shall inform the person concerned and get his consent for election as an honorary member.
Ordinarily not more than two honorary members should be elected in a given year.
5.2 Membership fees
Associate Members
Admission Fees Rs. 500/-
3 year subscription Rs. 1500/-
(Renewable in 3year block)
Full Members
Admission Fees Rs. 1000/-
Life MembershipRs. 3000/- (once)
Conversion of existing full members to life members:
DD/cheque to be drawn in favour of “Neurotrauma Society of India”,
payable at the city of residence of Treasurer NTSI.
Out station bank charges Rs. 100/- to be included in the cheque.
6. Executive Committee Meetings
All past presidents shall be invited for the EC Meeting as observers. They are not eligible for TA DA. They shall have no voting rights.
7. Election of Office Bearers / Executive Committee Members
7.1 Election by postal ballot: Canvassing or soliciting votes or casting aspersions on other candidates would debar the contestant from election.
President elect will be the returning officer for the elections
7.2 Schedule of events for election-
Election procedure must start by asking the nomination 3 months before.
The postal ballot will be sent to all full members of NTSI,
eligible to vote at least 1 month prior to GBM and the counting of
the vote would be done by a committee appointed by EC during the Annual Conference.
8. Conferences
8.1 There will be at least one Annual Conference. Mid August/Sept. each year of 2-3 days duration.
8.2 The EC would decide location of the conference by inviting bids on prescribed form 2 years in advance.
8.3 In case an Annual Conference has to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances
the Executive committee is empowered to select a suitable date for the
same conference before the 31st of March of the following year.
8.4 The Organizing Secretary of Annual Conference shall ensure that
the final announcement with all forms is positively mailed not later
than 15th May and last date for submitting paper must be 15th June.
A Copy of each abstract must be sent to the Secretary, NTSI prior to 30th June,
so that a committee can go through and accept the suitable papers and posters and communicate
the acceptance to the 1st author.
8.5 The Organizing secretary will insure the annual conference appropriately
The audited accounts of the annual conference should be submitted to
Secretary NTSI at least 6 weeks before the next annual conference by the Organizing Secretary
for discussion at EC meeting of NTSI.
8.6 Complimentary registration would be given by the Organizing Committee to any delegate who is a member of NTSI aged 70 years or above if requested.
8.7 Each delegate to the annual conference shall be allowed to present only one platform paper and one poster.
9. Accounts
9.1 The audited account of the Society shall be submitting by the treasurer of the
Society to the Executive Committee and to the general body during the annual conference
shall submit to the general body during the annual conference
shall submit to the Executive Committee and to the general body.
9.2 The audited statement of accounts is to be circulated to the members before the
Annual General Body Meeting through the newsletter/website.
10. List of Members / Address
Rs. 500/- shall be charged to provide the address list of members of the society where it is used for
commercial purposes and Rs. 200/- where it is used for conferences or personal use.
Members of EC Organizing Secretary would be provided complementary address lists.
The sum is to be sent to the Treasurer NTSI.
The executive committee is authorized to revise the amount when required
11. General Body Meeting Guidelines
All members of the society shall be eligible to attend all general body meetings of the society shall maintain decorum.
However, only the Life Members and Full Members are eligible to vote on any matter pertaining to general body meeting
should be conducted by show of hand or by secret ballot as decided by the Chair.
12. Newsletter
The secretary shall be responsible for publishing a “News letter” at least twice a year.
All important events of the society and official matters regarding the members of the society
shall be published would be considered as official communication of NTSI. The News Letter shall be posted to all the members.
13. Directory
A directory containing the history of the society, the constitution and byelaws and addresses
of the members shall be brought out at least once in 3 years by the secretary, NTSI. This shall also be made available on the society website.
14. Symposia
14.1 The symposium topic should be broad based. Offers should reach Secretary NTSI before the prescribed date.
The EC would decide on the symposium subjects.
14.2 The convenor of symposia should consult the Secretary regarding the organization of the symposium at all stages.
14.3 No alteration in the subject/topic would be permissible
14.4 The topics and speakers should be conveyed to the Secretary prior to the mid-term EC meeting for approval.
14.5 Local national talent should be tapped for the symposium, and not mere than 50% of speakers should be from outside the country.
Only persons of international repute known to be actively engaged in work in that field should be invited.
14.6 Two or more parallel symposia, of appeal to different groups, might be permitted to be held.
14.7 Convener shall not enter into any agreement with a pharmaceutical/ commercial
concern regarding- sponsorship of a symposium without the prior permission of the EC.
15. Awards
15.1 Awards will be decided by as per guidelines laid down by EC
15.2 The following will be the rules governing these awards
1. Contestant should be below the age of 45 years. Total experience excluding training in the specialty not to exceed 7 years.
2. Should have completed at least one year Associate membership of the society
3. Work presented should have been done in India
4. The contestant should present the paper in the conference personally.
5. The paper should not have been published or presented earlier in any other conference.
6. The Head of the Dept./Institution to which a candidate is attached should
certify that the work presented is the candidate’s personal contribution of that candidate did the major part of the work
7. Judges will be nominated by EC the judge’s decision shall be final.
15.3 NTSI Best paper Award:
a. The Awardee should be a member/associate member of the Society for at least 1 year.
b. Head of the Dept. /Institution to which the candidate is attached should
certify that the work presented is the candidates’ personal contribution or that the candidate did the major part of the work
c. The work presented should have been done in India.
d. The work presented should not have been published or presented earlier in any other conference.
e. The poster should be, presented for the conference by the member personally.
16. Orations
16.1 Oration would be organized during annual conference each year as per decision of EC.
16.2 The Committee to select Orator would comprise Present, Secretary and President elect of NTSI.
This may be communicated to other members of EC.
17. Consumer Protection
The Society will consider and take suitable steps to protect the professional interest of the members
18. Task Forces
EC may time constitute Task Force to look in to various matters including collaborative or cooperative studies.
Rules and bylaws for Allied Life Membership ( Paramedics and Nurses )
a) Paramedics (Trained ones- like people from EMRI or similarly trained persons in trauma work.)
b) Trained qualified trauma technicians ( eligible courses and / or work / experience in trauma)
c) Physiotherapist / Occupational therapist in Neuro Rehab.
Aims and Objectives:
The aims and objectives for including the nursing and technicians or person related to
Neurotrauma are as under Support the development of nursing research activities in Universities and
health care institutions to provide nursing care standards;
Provide a platform to nurse scientists to exchange views on nursing research;
Disseminate nursing research findings for utilization in the field of neurotrauma.
Promote and sponsor scientific meets, seminars and conferences to advance nursing research;
Create public interest in the contribution of nursing in promotive, preventive and restorative activities contributing to neurotrauma
Rules and Regulations:
1: Membership defined: Nursing Member of NTSI – Allied Life members,
2: Admission and Qualification of the Members : –
A Admission: An individual applying to the Society for membership shall be duly proposed by HOD of Neurosurgery Department or working with faculty
B Qualification: Nursing Diploma / BSC / any other nursing course / Paramedics Trained ones- like people from EMRI or similarly trained persons in trauma work / Trained qualified trauma technicians ( eligible courses and / or work / experience in trauma)/ Physiotherapist / Occupational therapist in Neuro Rehab.
C Fee for Allied Life Membership: Rs 2500
Cessation of Membership: Membership of Society shall cease when:
1. The member submits resignation to the Executive Committee.
2. The member is proved indulging in undesirable activities unethical to nursing profession
Rights and Privileges of the members
1. These membership will not have voting rights
2. Participate in all activities of the Society including will have access only to electronic version of the journal